Whether we’ve dipped our toes in it or not, we’ve all heard of crosswords. Some find it terrifying and others just can’t get enough of it. No matter which boat you’re on, we’re here to tell you that there’s a crossword for everyone and we don’t mean to oversell, but finding the complete solution to a crossword can be a pretty sweet feeling. 

Why should you pick Daily Themed Crossword? Well, DTC brings the classic crossword grid in a friendly avatar.

So, is it a game for crossword nerds? We’d disagree. These crosswords are curated to have a fair balance of familiarity packed with fun. 

So, to sum it up, if you love words, trivia, and most importantly learning while playing, you’ll feel right at home with DTC. 

The Theory of Everyday Themes

7 days, 7 different themes, 7 different topics to learn about. Our curators carefully research and come up with unique themes that run across a crossword. As a player, if you spot a trend be sure to follow the trail so you can solve the crossword better.

Music Mondays – If like us, you enjoy starting the week on a happy note, you will not be disappointed by our Monday crosswords. From Taylor Swift to Pink Floyd and VMAs to Grammy, we’ll have you tapping a beat for a week.

Sports Tuesdays – Dedicated to all the sports buffs, these weekly themes pack in all the big wins, record-breaking scores, greatest rivalries from across the spectrum. NBA, NHL, Superbowl, Wimbledon, Olympics, you name it and you will most likely find your favorite sport star-themed crossword.

Television Wednesdays – For all the binge-watchers, there’s plenty more to binge on in DTC. From old sitcoms to recent Emmy sweepers, we’ve got you covered. 

Movie Thursdays – Did you catch last week’s new release? You may want to if you want to nail these crosswords. From cast members to iconic lines, there’s nothing that’s out of the clue in DTC.

Academic Fridays – Want to test your general knowledge? Wait no longer than Friday. Whether you love space travel or renaissance art, this is the day that brings together topics that would make a quiz master beam.

Retro Saturdays – We give you major throwback on Saturdays with vintage classics and evergreen hits. Test your memory and be sure to play with friends/family because there’s nothing sweeter than shared nostalgia and we’re pretty sure some of the themes will bring back sweet memories.

Sit-back Sundays – And then for a little weekend fun, we throw in a mixed-bag crossword so be prepared to be surprised. It could be food, movies, travel and even the viral video your friends have been sharing with you for weeks.

Now that we’ve given you a tour of the VIBGYOR of themes, it’s time to talk about the coin-earning, finger-tapping features that you can try out. But before we get there, take a break, solve a themed puzzle or two and tell us what themes you loved. Remember, there’s a fresh theme getting delivered to you every day like clockwork!

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